
Brian has a 30+ year, proven track record to get you right again! In person or anywhere in the world! HOPE is for the hopeless, until we KNOW it can get better immediately!
Chronic Pain
Just wanted to thank you again for your wonderful healing session. I had many health issues so I didn’t expect miracles on just one visit but there is no doubt in my mind that the pain in my hip that I have had for quite some time is all but gone. I don’t know what was causing it but I’m sure it was going to end up being something dreadful like arthritis or something worse. Quite amazing… you are truly blessed. Thank you so much.
Neck, back, herniated discs?
“When I herniated a disc in my spine, I was overcome with excruciating pain that prevented almost all my normal activities. I was limited to standing, walking or lying on my side. I just happened to contact Brian during this time and learned of his spiritual body-work to relieve pain. I did not much believe in such things. However, I was willing to give it a try, even from 2000 miles away. As we hung up the phone Brian said he would work on me from Austin. I fell asleep after my session, and the next morning when I woke up, I was pain free and have been ever since. It was not a cure for my injuries – the MRI two days later still showed tissue outside the disc area, yet the doctors admitted they could do no more than had already been done, given the result. To have no pain after a month of taking large does of pain medications every day is nothing short of miraculous.” (still in no pain since Fall of 2010)
–Robin H., Seattle, WA
Knee pain?
Brian has a proven track record to get you right again! Even from long-distance!
Hi, Brian. I want to formally thank you for ALL the help you have given me, and give you my testimony for your Healing Work – which I belovingly call “my Chiropractic Adjustment from God”.
I have had lower back pain for over 11 years, that started when I was pregnant with my son – my pelvis shifted, and now I have 2 herniated discs there. My leg goes numb down the right side and I get stabbing pains above my knee, and then I feel nauseous and almost pass out. If I stand or walk more than 15 minutes, I am in intense pain, and if I go a lot longer, that pain stays for days! I also hurt my shoulder and mid-back 3 & 1/2 years ago. My mid-back shows 2 herniated discs with tears in them. Also lots of degenerative disc disease, which is like arthritis, and spinal stenosis all throughout my spine. My shoulder has tendinitis, bursitis and something going on with the AC joint – and pain that radiates down the back of my shoulder down my shoulder blade and along my spine down to right below my bra. That whole section of my back swells up and leaves me in complete pain for days if I dare lift with my right arm, and even if I lift more than 20 pounds with my left. On a pain scale from 0 as no pain to 10 as the worst pain ever – I ranged from 7 to 9, sometimes 10 over the last 3 & 1/2 years! I was also diagnosed with PTSD and depression since 1992, with traumas from my past and in the Navy.
Dr’s have made me try almost everything: shots in my back – radio frequency ablations, steroids, epidurals, all the medicines they made me try, and all the therapies I have tried that didn’t work – physical therapy hurt me – even chair yoga.. Acupuncture seemed to help a little bit, and chiropractic, when they allow me to go… I refused always to do pain medicines, unless I was at the 10 level and then only for a day or so, because I have always been paranoid about being addicted to anything. I was on Muscle Relaxers for over a year, and the only thing it really did was relax my brain! It didn’t even help the pain! I do take Aleve, which I now take less of. I take Mangosteen juice, which is a super fruit that helps with inflammation, but I don’t have as much inflammation anymore. And I do have a Medical Marijuana card, which I usually only use the products that have just CBD, not THC – and that helps with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and actually helps the pain and allows me to sleep better! I also use Turmeric, Ginger, and Garlic as much as possible when cooking. I just mention these, because I prefer to try natural remedies above all else!
Even with all THAT going on, I pride myself that I am normally a very happy and positive person who can typically find the good in everything! So, with the help of my Uncle Jeff – who is friends with Brian Kurtz, I was led to Brian. After a few emotional breakdowns over the last couple years, I have been struggling a lot. Just the conversations I have with Brian help me immensely. He reminds me of what’s most important, like the last time about Letting Go and Letting God. He also continuously encourages me to journal my thoughts… *I’m still working on this. He has also had conversations with my kids, to help them on the right path…
So, when I first called Brian, we talked for a little over an hour, and then he described what he would do was a Chakra Clearing. I have heard of these things, but I really had no idea what would happen. I’ve read others descriptions, you can search yourself – but I will tell you of my experience. I laid flat on my back on my bed, with just a pillow beneath my knees. Brian said he would do his “work” on his end (from 1000 miles away!), and I was to just relax and let whatever happen to happen, then he would call me back when he’s done. Well, I immediately started feeling warmth along my back and spine. My insides seemed to be shifting somewhat – it’s hard to describe, but I imagine it was because of how my pelvis shifts. But the sensations started around my right lower ribs and it curved around my right side back down towards the bottom and back of my spine. Then my body started twisting and turning and it almost felt as if hands were on me, moving me around. (THIS is why I call it a Chiropractic Adjustment from God, through Brian!) It almost felt like fingers touching and manipulating all the way along my spine and even down my leg and up my neck! This happened for at least an hour! My back and different joints would pop and twist and turn, and it actually felt good!!! My back was re-aligning itself!!! My pain level went down to about a 4, and it hasn’t been that low in so long, I can’t even remember the last time!
I have a lot of stress sometimes, as a single parent and my other things I mentioned from above… So, I’m also learning to stay in the moment, because Right Now is all we truly have. I read a lot of good books, and watch some neat videos. I have had Brian do a few other quick adjustments, which only take about 15-30 minutes now, to keep me in line. I am able to do more Yoga stretches, which I haven’t been able to do in years. And I finally talked my Dr’s into giving me Aqua Therapy, which I am just starting. I still range now from a pain level of 4-6, but I am definitely getting better!!! What Brian does for my back and ME – my Spirit, my Soul, my Essence – well, that has been 100% more than I ever thought possible! And, Brian keeps telling me he wants to get me to a pain level of 0!!! This still blows my mind, but I believe it is possible now! I am so close, I feel it!
I would recommend everyone call Brian to see if he can help you! I know for a fact God works through him! He is helping to heal me! Plus I have gained a GREAT Friend!
-Angie L
HOPE is for the hopeless, until we realize IT CAN GET BETTER!
“I tripped on a step and broke my ankle in eight places. Two surgeries, seven months of physical therapy, and almost a year later, both my first opinion and second opinion doctors gave up on me. I refused to believe that I was just going to limp and be in pain for the rest of my life, so my sister suggested that I contact Brian. After our session, my ankle didn’t really feel that much better. But I did. My heart and spirit were lighter and I felt better about a lifetime of emotional hurts I had been dragging around with me. My husband said that I even look different now. No more dark shadow following me around.
A day after our session I noticed that a lot of little pains, bumps and bruises, I’d accumulated through my life weren’t there. A day or two after that and I noticed my balance had improved. My ankle has so much more flexibility. It doesn’t swell and most days it doesn’t even hurt. I can actually do all those physical therapy exercises now and I really believe I can get rid of this limp soon. I am so thankful to Brian for his help and for giving me hope again when I thought there wasn’t any left.” — Tess, Germany
In October 2015, I was diagnosed with a sphenoid ridge meningioma behind my right eye, 4cm in diameter. At the time my neurosurgeon thought I would lose all movement in the eye because MRIs indicated that the ocular muscles were compromised. After two sessions with Brian I had brain surgery in January 2016. My eye was unaffected, the tumor was benign, and my neurosurgeon pronounced my recovery “miraculous.” — Duke E, USA
All but ONE client EVER is free of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
“In December, 2010, my boyfriend gave me a gift – one of true love and care. He gave me a healing session with Brian Kurtz. He said if I didn’t mind, would I be open to a visit with his friend, Brian. Well, I am a curious sort, and my difficulties with Rheumatoid Arthritis were becoming more and more frequent. I also had a moderate curvature in my spine that I was just finding out about, and the pain I was experiencing now was so severe it was literally crippling me. I would go through good spots for several months and then would have a “crisis,” and would be unable to walk; having to be carried to the restroom. After four days or so of these periods in could begin doing things for myself again, but all in all it would take 7-10 days before I was really OK again…until the next episode.
My boyfriend invited Brian to come to his home, where we did our healing session. We spent approximately 45 minutes together and as he worked I felt within myself a warmth and then a physical vibration that I have never felt before in my entire life. My physical self continued feeling that vibration and warmth for many hours after his departure. My life changed forever.
My pain does come back occasionally, but nothing like it was before my session with Brian. The RA I’ve had since 2001 and the joint deformity that I’d have expected to see signs of just aren’t around any more.
I sincerely thank Brian for his unique gift, and more so The One from whom he received his Gift.”
-Donna D, Austin, TX
“Batting 1.000” vs. Prostate cancer and prostate issues!
“Recently, after I had my blood drawn, I called my urologist for my PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) reading, a good indication of cancer in my prostate. I was not home at the time, so when his nurse called me, she told me, nonchalantly, that it was moving past 4. I was alarmed and soon called Brian Kurtz for a healing session, and immediately, he came over and gave me a treatment.
When I had my blood drawn for another PSA in another couple of weeks, afterward the nurse called me and told me it was down to 0.3, only a little above absolute “zero!” To say the least, it was an enormous relief. Hail Brian Kurtz!”
-Bob German, Austin, TX
Lupus and other auto-immune diseases are often centered energetically around self-love issues
I am so grateful that Brian randomly found me on facebook and reached out to me! I have Lupus and not only am I having a hard time controlling the symptoms but the doctors can’t figure it out either, I was getting very frustrated. Brian did a healing session on me, he is in Texas and I am in California. The following day I did have all my symptoms still, but the pain went down, my swelling of the whole body went down, my fatigue was almost gone, the redness of my whole body toned down and my skin didn’t hurt to touch! Thank you so much again, and I will be coming back for another session!
-Heather Humlick, Remote Client CA
Remote healing success is the norm. 90% of my business is done remotely.
“Our son had a near-deadly car crash, driving into a phone pole at 80 mph. Three months later, he was walking around with no permanent injuries. He had brain surgery immediately following the accident, on the personality center. You’d never know it to talk to him today. We attribute his swift and complete recovery largely to Brian’s wonderful work. Brian has never met or spoken to him. They live more than 1,000 miles apart.
I am not a religious person and do not use the word “miracle” ordinarily … but this was a miracle. I believe he would not be alive today but for Brian’s healing work. Brian called us often during the first few days, telling us what he was feeling regarding our son. He has a truly amazing gift.”
— Mary L, Austin, TX
Intuitively guided counseling sessions
“Somewhere in between your work on my heart and knee, my heart allowed me to not hang on. To finally let go of the blocks. I’m thriving again. I love to think you helped with that.Love you! For the record, yes, your connection has made strides in my life and in my family’s life together. We are truly blessed by our connection with you!I don’t know that I’ve ever been shy, just not always conscious of the amazing friendships I now allow.” |
-Patricia Cashion