About Us
who i’m
hello my name is Brian
About the Healed By Spirit™
Brian’s Healed by Spirit© modality is all his own. Refined over 40+ years of service, Brian removes himself to allow Spirit to work as required by each individual at that moment in time. Every session is different, and the results are over 98% positive on virtually every condition you might consider, including a perfect record with prostate cancer, 99+% on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, 95% on chronic neck and back issues, and a near-perfect record in supporting patients with chronic depression. What needs to be removed energetically is accomplished by Spirit, and what replaces it is a combination of Spirit and each client’s own energy which is inexorably tied to it.
Introductory sessions are rather extensive, lasting roughly three hours. During this time Brian is shown lifelong-energetic residue patterns, actually charting them out for you to see and study after all harmful energetic residue is removed. After this intensive segment is completed, complete hands-off energetic bodywork is implemented on every bodily system. After this extensive treatment, virtually every client reports significant improvement, not only in areas which brought them in, but also in areas which are often not mentioned, yet discovered and treated during the session.
After this, any subsequent treatments required are usually very minimal, quickly implemented, and generally less expensive than an insurance copayment.
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Modality & Methodology
The modality is teachable, not some special “gift” unique to one person
Brian teaches his healing methods to those called to heal. With dozens of Level One healer’s classes graduated, and advanced level classes just begun and in ongoing development, Brian is committed to sharing this inspired method with the world. Through the techniques learned in these courses, students literally learn how to heal other people and themselves – physically, spiritually, and emotionally. By the end of the final class, participants are able to alter 3D reality through the Unconditionally Loving Power which becomes available to us when we access that Sacred Space where miracles are possible.
Brian has also created the Soul Connection Workshop Series that teaches how to connect on a soul level. These workshops will allow you access to the sacred space where Miracles are Available®. In this space you will experience yourself and others around you at soul level beyond that which is normally available. What’s most rewarding is gaining the ability to access this sacred space whenever you wish – a gift which will instantly – in the time it takes to intentionally inhale and exhale – enhance relationships with everyone you encounter — friends, family members, colleagues at work, or the server at your favorite coffee shop!
Introductory sessions are quite comprehensive, and are completed over two sessions – The first segment lasts roughly three hours. During this time Brian is shown lifelong-energetic residue patterns, creating an Energetic Residue Data Sheet ©; charting them out for you to see and study AFTER all harmful energetic residue is removed from all seven chakras. After this intensive segment is completed, complete hands-off energetic bodywork is implemented on every body part and bodily system. After this extensive treatment, virtually every client reports significant improvement, not only in areas which brought them in, but also in areas which are often not mentioned, yet discovered and treated during the session.
The second segment is a 90-minute to two hour follow-up session in which clients have had time to study their life long Energetic Residue Data Sheet ©, and an extensive discussion takes place where Brian will help “tip your rudder,” and support you in new life behavior and thought patterns which will keep you energetically and emotionally clear.
After this, any subsequent treatments required are usually very minimal, quickly implemented, and generally less expensive than an insurance copayment.
What my Customers Says

Brian’s work is incredible and has helped me reach new heights in my understanding of how to live a better life.

The Soul Connection workshop with Brian helped me understand my true north and become more intuitive in my actions. I’ve found it easier to manifest my desires after doing this work.